Brock Receives Construction and Maintenance Education Foundation Awards

Brock recently won the Industry Impact award at the Construction and Maintenance Education Foundation Awards (CMEF). CMEF is the educational affiliate of ABC of Greater Houston and began as a partnership between industrial owners and contractors working together to solve the skilled labor shortage facing the Greater Houston construction industry. This award is dedicated to all of our Brock employees that help in attending many of the events that are held by the foundation.

Valero Employee Appreciation Fish Fry

Brock HSE Regional Manager, Victor Porter, joined the Valero site last week for an Employee Appreciation Fish Fry to which Valero Employees and Supervision also attended. Everyone was happy and thankful for the gesture and acknowledgment of the hard work our Brock Employees put in every day. Valero employees were also thankful for an invitation to join a Brock event that shows some gratitude for the people we work with. This small event had a big impact with our Employees and the client relationship, and of course everyone loved Victor’s Fish Fry!

Brock Talent Management Obtains NCCER Master Trainer Certification

Brock would like to congratulate Brenda Ortega, from the Talent Management team, who recently obtained her NCCER Master Trainer Certification earlier last month! Her unsurpassed dedication to the Brock workforce allows the organization to remain in compliance to upholding our NCCER accreditation. Learn more about NCCER accreditation.

Brock Uses Smart Devices At Jobsites

Were you aware that smart devices (tablets and phones) are quickly becoming a critical tool for Brock companies? It started with QR Codes and GPS coordinates on scaffold tags, then ‘build sheets’ transferred into inventory software, and now several other departments have begun investigated digital tools to make their work more efficient. One of the most recent success stories of digital implementation comes from the Managed Services group who started using smart devices for data collection on several surveys. During a recent Energy Appraisal in Texas they realized a 67% time savings (work completed in 8 days versus 24 days) by using a smart device in the field.