The Removable Cover Division of Brock Industrial Services, Inc.
Provides custom-built removable insulation covers engineered to fit any system.

Removable Insulation Cover Manufacturing

Our experienced team of full-time engineers and fabricators can quickly and accurately produce any type of removable cover for a variety of uses, including:

  • Flanges, Valves
  • Piping, and Welded Joints
  • Strainers and Filters
  • Pumps
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Turbines and Exhaust
  • Vessels
  • Exchanger Bodies and Heads

Brock Industrial Services is a leader in providing removable insulation covers for specific needs by working in a wide range of surface temperatures (as low as 50°F to as high as +2600°F) and working under various and extreme environmental or technological conditions. We provide covers that are sewn in the actual shape of the equipment allowing custom-made products to fit any system. Our covers are engineered to provide complete service of thermal, acoustical, and personnel protection insulation systems.

Every cover is fitted with a customizable stainless-steel tag that includes a QR Code with any data necessary to allow for easy identification of the system for which the cover is to be applied. The covers are sewn with high-temperature thread to ensure longevity and durability and are equipped with D-Ring Straps, Velcro, and Stainless-Steel Lacing Hooks. We take pride in making our covers easy to install, remove and re-install.

We are proud to say that all of our products are made in the United States and their components are all sourced here as well; allowing us to deliver you one of the highest quality custom removable insulation covers in the industry!

Insulation Materials


E-Glass 1200ºF
Kwik Flex 700ºF
Temp Mat 1200ºF
Silica Mat 2000ºF
Pyrogel 1200ºF
Ceramic Wool

1600ºF – 2600ºF

Cold Face Materials
Teflon Impregnated Fiberglass Cloth 550ºF
Silicone Impregnated Fiberglass Cloth 500ºF
Z-Block Fiberglass Cloth 350ºF
Hot Face Materials
Teflon Impregnated
Fiberglass Cloth
Silicone Impregnated
Fiberglass Cloth
Vermiculite Cloth
with S/S Mesh
Silica Cloth 2000ºF
Z-Block Fiberglass Cloth 350ºF

Custom-Fit Covers For Any Application

For many years, Brock has been a leader in providing custom-built removable insulation covers for manufacturing and industrial applications.  Custom engineering each cover for every customer, allows the product to fit each application/system it was designed for.

Our Services

Our experienced team of full-time fabricators can quickly and accurately produce any type of removable covers for a variety of uses, including:

  • Flanges, Valves, Piping, and Welded Joints
  • Strainers and Filters
  • Pumps
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Turbines and Exhaust
  • Vessels and Exchanger Bodies and Heads


Tagging System

Brock Industrial Services offers a comprehensive tracking system for the products we manufacture to allow you access to the critical data about the custom removable thermal covers; application, location, date of manufacture, warranty information, etc.

Scan the QR Code on the Tag above to see examples of the resources contained in each product id tag.

Benefits Of Removable Insulation Covers

“In any case, insulation efficiencies of 95 percent or greater are fairly typical on hot (at least 600ºF) surfaces.  At today’s high energy prices (around $12 per million Btu), the simple payback for mechanical insulation on hot surfaces is so short that by the time the insulation job is complete, and the facility back up and running, the insulation often has already paid for itself”

Hart, Gordon. “Removable Blankets Pay for Themselves.” Insulation Outlook, 1 January 2006;

Driven by a commitment to excellence in project execution, Brock is a leader in providing removable insulation covers for specific needs by:

  • Working in a wide range of surface temperatures (as low as 50ºF to as high as +2000ºF)
  • Working under various and extreme environmental or technological conditions
  • Providing covers that are sewn in the actual shape of the equipment with optional heat tracing built-in, thus allowing custom-made products to fit the system

Engineering to provide complete service of thermal, acoustical and personnel protection insulation

Ease Of Use

  • Every cover is fitted with a customizable stainless-steel tag that includes a QR Code with necessary data that allows for easy identification of the system for which the cover is applied to
  • Covers are easy to install, remove and re-install
  • Easy access for high-energy piping weld inspection
  • Experienced Technicians are available to measure and install the covers at your location or we can manufacture the covers based on measurements that you provide




Location & Contact:   Tanner McQuilkin, BIS Blanket Shop Manager, Joliet Blanket Shop, 2220 Oak Leaf St, Joliet, IL 60436
   E: tanner.mcquilkin@brockgroup.com |   PH: (815) 714-2676