BIS Employee Instrumental In Helping Customer Prevent Potentially Catastrophic Event

BIS employee, Chris Adams, helped to avoid a potentially catastrophic event at a customer’s jobsite. In short, Chris was walking through a customer’s new facility and noticed gasket material on the ground and began looking around and found fuel gas leaking from a flange where the gasket had failed. He immediately notified operations, which shut off the gas and prevented a major explosion.

The client was extremely grateful for his actions. They were so grateful that one of their management came into the BIS trailer and kissed him on the head and said “thank you.”

Brock Canada Begins Work on Iconic Historic Site

Brock Canada’s scaffolding surrounds Saint John’s Carleton Martello Tower National Historic Site as part of the rehabilitation of the over 200-year-old stone structure. The Carleton Martello Tower is a designated national historic site that draws considerable tourism, but the structure has seen better days. Parks Canada says investigative work in 2015 showed the tower was in a state of ‘critical failure.’ Brock is proud to be part of the team making this historic structure safer for everyone to enjoy.

BIS at P66 Bayway Collects Toys for Boy Scouts of America

Brock Industrial Services at P66 Bayway participated in the 2nd annual Boy Scouts of America toy drive. The BSA partnered with the Union County Sheriff’s Department to collect toys to be distributed to children in need in neighborhoods around the refinery and throughout Union county. The toys pictured were collected by Brock Industrial employees and a few of our vendors. Many thanks to our BIS employees who donated and also to our vendors, Nobel Equipment, Garden State Supply, Colonial Hardware, Marco, and APE. This was made a success though everyone’s generosity.

Brock Chevron Pascagoula Receives Exceptional Performance Award

Congratulations Brock on another well-deserved award! Johnny Baxter, Brock Site Manager, was presented with the Exceptional Performance Award for 2019 for Outstanding Performance by the Brock team at the Chevron Pascagoula Refinery, MS. Way to lead your team Johnny!! Brock members Chris Scruggs, Johnny Baxter and Donnie Olivier all attended Chevron’s Holiday Reception and enjoyed hearing the Chevron leadership team speak on behalf of the business partners (service providers & vendors) accomplishment and success stories in the refinery as we close out 2019.