In 2019, Brock achieved its best OSHA safety record in the history of the company, which began operations in 1947. The 2019 end-of-year TRIR was 0.18. This is calculated for all Brock-owned companies together and includes Brock-owned entities in Canada, which are not governed by OSHA.
“Some companies will segment out certain areas of the business in order to have a lower perceived TRIR,” explained Drew Ashcraft, vice president — Health, Safety and Environmental, The Brock Group. “Brock chooses to align all business units’ reporting with OSHA Recordkeeping Guidelines, 29 CFR 1904. Nothing is hidden, and nothing is segmented out.”
Brock’s safety programs have evolved from measuring “lagging” indicators and reacting to incidents, to the measurement, tracking and communicating of “leading” indicators in real time. A leading indicator is proactive in nature and includes a safety initiative or reported activity, with the goal of preventing unfavorable events before they happen. Leading indicators include near-misses, behavioral audits, hazard identification and risk recognition assessments.
“We are certainly proud of our current safety record and successes; however, looking back is not what we are about when it comes to safety,” explained Drew Ashcraft, Vice President — Health, Safety and Environmental, The Brock Group. “Being in the now and looking toward the days ahead is where our concentration will remain. In 2020, we have a perfect vision with 100-percent focus on each and every task. Together, each of us will strive for no injuries, no near misses and no negative impacts on the environment, while also being smarter and more efficient about how we get that accomplished.”