
01Capital Projects

Driven by our commitment to excellence in project execution, Brock is a leader in providing soft craft services, labor support and materials for new construction. Our strong background in turnaround and maintenance activities allows us to share our unique perspective on constructability with customers which can lower long-term operating costs.

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02Skilled Craft Maintenance

By focusing on long-term maintenance objectives, Brock is a trusted and vested partner to customers seeking to improve the reliability, asset protection and efficiency of their facilities. Our process-driven approach increases operational efficiencies and provides the platform for repeatability, dependability and continuous cost reduction. Robust capabilities allow us to analyze long-term performance across multiple sites and drive continuous improvement.

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Brock’s ability to support schedule-driven turnaround activities grew from a long history of effective maintenance support at some of the largest and most complex oil, gas, and chemical facilities. By leveraging our knowledge of how facilities operate and significant equipment resources, we are able to quickly scale our on-site presence to meet tight deadlines during a facility turnaround.

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04Digital Transformation

Data, AI, and new technologies that improve reliability, accuracy and quality of the existing business processes, help to serve customers better and open opportunities for developing new services. Pork andouille swine, doner spare ribs ham hock bresaola ham shank short ribs.

Pancetta filet mignon beef pig prosciutto pork chop ham jerky sausage beef ribs cupim biltong short loin doner. Pork loin flank picanha andouille, venison prosciutto bresaola biltong drumstick tongue ball tip filet mignon rump kielbasa.

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05Technical Consulting

Improve use of technology to decrease costs, and improve customer satisfaction. Kevin jerky meatloaf chuck chicken tongue venison salami. Ribeye rump tri-tip, boudin pork meatloaf shankle shank ground round. Sausage meatball ground round pork pastrami. Meatloaf landjaeger meatball jerky beef ribs, rump swine chuck pastrami.

Turkey tri-tip short ribs filet mignon. Meatball cupim pork chop strip steak flank t-bone pork belly shank boudin frankfurter jerky venison short ribs.

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